IBS is bullshit. Here’s why.
IBS stands for Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and that name alone reeks of faux-diagnosis. It’s a convenient label slapped on top of the truth no one is stating: “We don’t know”.
In the medical system, IBS refers to the collective gastrointestinal symptoms, digestive issues and discomfort that impact your everyday life and take away your food confidence. It means gut blow ups when you’re out with mates, mad dashes home to make it in time, and the general shitty feeling of not being able to trust your gut.
The issues are real — the diagnosis is BS
This concept may be familiar to men like you. You’re ready to take back control of your gut and your life, so you head to your GP. They run a handful of standard tests, including a colonoscopy and endoscopy. Turns out, no abnormalities are found. But you know that can’t be right.
They label you with IBS — a diagnosis of exclusion, not answers. They send you on your way, no cure in sight, and the western medicine system considers it a job well done.
But it’s a faux-diagnosis without a treatment.
It’s not just you.
A tale I’ve heard from so many clients, and experienced myself.
Nearly one-third of Aussies are affected by so-called IBS. Dieticians Australia states IBS affects approximately 30 percent of Australians, but note that there is no known cause — only possible triggers, including stress, infection and medication.
They don’t state poor dietary or lifestyle choices — or exposure to dangerous toxins and chemicals — as being a trigger. But let’s be honest…
What causes IBS?
If not incurable IBS, then what is actually causing your symptoms? There are so many things it could be:
Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)
Bacteria or yeast infections
Poor lifestyle and diet choices
When you look at this list, you’ll see how important it is to treat the actual symptoms, rather than calling it IBS and kicking you out the door with a “good luck”.
Growing evidence supports seeking a real diagnosis rather than relying on the IBS catch-all. Research suggests that alterations of the gut microbiome contribute to IBS pathophysiology. If you want to get technical, that includes:
Microbiota composition
Visceral hypersensitivity
Abnormal intestinal motor function
Mucosal immune activation
Increased intestinal permeability (Marasco et al, 2022)
OK, so what does this mean for a man’s real life? It means that we have to take a look at the underlying symptoms through a holistic point of view — and you have to begin taking accountability for your lifestyle choices.
How to cure “IBS” permanently
On the path to fixing your gut health, you’ve considered it from every angle — can adjusting your alcohol consumption cure “IBS”? Does exercise affect “IBS”? Can taking an antihistamine cure “IBS”? Can homeopathy cure “IBS”? How can I cure “IBS” permanently?
Truth time: whatever is causing your gastrointestinal issues can be remedied though natural therapies and lifestyle changes. Evidence shows that treating infections through natural therapies has high efficacy and goes a long way in improving your GI function and overall health, without any of the side effects caused by medication.
Let’s start at nutrition. Nutritional therapy for your gut includes pre- and probiotics, as well as food and nutrient specific treatments. There are also anti-microbial therapies designed to address your underlying issues, whether it be SIBO or other potential bacterial, yeast or parasitic infections. These strategies are effective at modulating gut microbiota composition and function, restoring gut barrier integrity and improving immune activity (Iribarren et al, 2022).
And the day-to-day specifics? Well, that all comes down to you — so it can be immensely helpful to meet with a men’s health practitioner to figure out your game plan.
Life beyond gut blow ups
Improving your functional digestive system means you can thrive as a human again.
When you effectively treat bloating, cramps, constipation and many more uncomfortable issues, you can go out and eat with friends without worrying about your gut blowing up. You’ll get back control of your time with less “interruptions”, and you’ll notice a healthy boost to your self esteem. Treating IBS makes all the little stuff in life that much more enjoyable — stuff that we shouldn’t have to give up.
One of my three pathways to wellbeing, Optimise Gut , frees you from ailments and limitations caused by digestive discomfort. With six simple steps to optimise your gut, you’ll fast track your healing journey in a way that works for you.
It’s possible to trust your gut again. IBS is BS, and it’s time to do better.
From naturopathic services to men’s health coaching, Andy Lucas is on a mission to improve the lives of men, starting with the foundations of health and wellbeing. Utilising a no-BS framework titled The Healthy Man Method, Andy guides men to optimise their wellbeing through six steps that bring it back to the foundations of health — cutting through fads with an action plan that works. A certificated Naturopath (Bachelor of Health Sciences – Naturopathy) and Personal Trainer (Certificate III & IV - Personal Training), Andy helps men become free of physical challenges and limitations, so they can better succeed in their experience of life. Find out more here.